HongAo Yang
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Email: yha21@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Ph.D. candidate in Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2021 - Present
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Prof. BingYang Cao
Major: Engineering Thermophysics
Bachelor in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2017 - 2021
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Prof. BingYang Cao
Major: Engineering Mechanics (Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program)
National scholarship from the Ministry of Education of China (2023).
Honours degree of Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program (2021).
The first prize in the student research training program of Tsinghua University (2020).
Research Interesets
Machine learning interatomic potentials.
Heat conduction at atomic scale and interfaces.
Atomical simulation methods such as density functional theory, molecular dynamics, lattice dynamics, phonon Boltzmann equations.
Topological phonon materials.
Proficient in density functional theory, molecular dynamics, lattice dynamics, and molecular modeling.
Proficient in Python and MATLAB programming. Familiar with C++ and Fortran languages. Familiar with parallel programming.
Extensive hands-on experience in machine learning interatomic potentials including GAP and MACE.
1. HongAo Yang and BingYang Cao. Mode-resolved phonon transmittance using lattice dynamics: Robust algorithm and statistical characteristics. Journal of Applied Physics 134, 155302 (2023).
2. HongAo Yang, HaoYu Wei and BingYang Cao. Symmetry-enforced planar nodal chain phonons in non-symmorphic materials. Journal of Applied Physics 132, 224401 (2022).
3. HongAo Yang and BingYang Cao. Effects and correction of angular momentum non-conservation in RNEMD for calculating thermal conductivity. Computational Materials Science 183, 109753 (2020).
4. YuanBin Liu, HuiLi Liang, Lei Yang, Guang Yang, HongAo Yang, Shuang Song, ZengXia Mei, Gábor Csányi and BingYang Cao. Unraveling Thermal transport correlated with atomistic structures in amorphous gallium oxide via machine learning combined with experiments, Advanced Materials 35, 2210873 (2023).
5. Alejandro Rodriguez, ChangPeng Lin, HongAo Yang, Mohammed Al-Fahdi, Chen Shen, Kamal Choudhary, Yong Zhao, JianJun Hu, BingYang Cao, HongBin Zhang and Ming Hu. Million-scale data integrated deep neural network for phonon properties of Heuslers spanning the periodic table, Npj Computational Materials 9, 1 (2023).
6. Yang Shen, HongAo Yang and BingYang Cao. Near-junction phonon thermal spreading in GaN HEMTs: A comparative study of simulation techniques by full-band phonon Monte Carlo method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 211, 124284 (2023).